Water Quality Interpretation Tool
This online resource is designed to help you evaluate your drinking water samples. To access the tool, simply click on the image below, select your state and type of water, and enter the values that have been provided to you by a laboratory in the spaces pertaining to your analyses results.

Drinking Water Fact Sheets
Click here to access the fact sheets en Español
eXtension Drinking Water &
Human Health
National drinking water specialists from Extension created this site to provide easy access to current, science-based information on safe drinking water issues. Their goals are to help citizens make educated, cost-saving decisions about drinking water conservation and treatment, and to help them guard against health risks.

Well & Septic Educational Videos

Well & Septic File Folders

Keeping good records is essential to helping households protect the health of their family and the environment. These folders provide a useful format to keep private well and septic records. The folders also contain a description of typical systems, suggestions for maintenance, tables for critical dates, and other essential information to help private well and septic owners keep their systems operating efficiently.
Folders are available through your state's Water Quality Coordinator, though supplies are limited. You can find your states Coordinator by clicking here. If you wish to order larger quantities, please click here (sets of 20 are $20.00).
Support for Offering an
Educational Program
Are you interested in offering a well testing program in your community? If so, all of the resources listed on this page are available for your use. Depending on your programming needs, resources are either free of charge or available at a reduced cost. Please contact your state's Water Quality Coordinator for more information. You can find your state's Coordinator by clicking here.
Click here to access a comprehensive guide to offering a Well Testing Program.