Regional Initiatives

BMP Development, Training & Assessment

This regional initiative is focused on the completion of projects and development of resources that facilitate the coordination of agriculture and water quality activities that increase best management practice (BMP) adoption and produce measurable water quality improvements.

BMP Development for Tile Drainage and Saline Waters

In contrast to the issue of limited water supplies, eastern parts of the region (ND, SD) have been experiencing a growing interest in and installation of artificial drainage in many agricultural fields experiencing limited profitability due to elevated salinity and rising water tables. In an effort to address this issue and gain better understanding of the connectivity between tile drainage and receiving stream water quality, water quality coordinators within the region have developed partnerships with state and federal natural resource management agencies, private farmer groups, and counter-part water quality coordinators in Region 5 to conduct educational programs for interested farmers and initiate research that will provide information about water quality and quantity sourced from tile drains.

United States Department of Agriculture Colorado State University Montana State University North Dakota State University South Dakota State University Utah State University University of Wyoming National Water Program