
The following research projects were gathered from USDA-NIFA's REEport system (formally referred to as CRIS). REEport is the US Department of Agriculture's (USDA) documentation and reporting system for ongoing and recently completed research projects in agriculture, food and nutrition, and forestry. Projects are conducted or sponsored by USDA research agencies, state agricultural experiment stations, land-grant university system, other cooperating state institutions, and participants in a number of USDA-administered grant programs, including Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR), National Research Initiative (NRI), and Biotechnology Risk Assessment (BRAG).

Project material is based upon work supported in part by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, US Department of Agriculture, under Agreement No. 2008-51130-19548. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the US Department of Agriculture.

National Information Management & Support System (NIMSS)


  1. Sustainable Rangeland & Watershed Stewardship
  2. Climactic Data Application in Irrigation Scheduling & Water Conservation
  3. Nutrient Management & Water Quality
  4. Microirrigation for Sustainable Water Use
  5. Integrating Water Research, Extension, and Education in the Northern Plains & Mountains Region
  6. Coordinated Agricultural Water Quality Programming for the Northern Plains and Mountains Region


National Water Resources Projects develop and initiate nationally coordinated programs that increase public understanding and involvement in community decision-making and facilitate the development of public policy on water resources issues including decisions about land use, land management practices, waste water management alternatives for areas without sewers, storm water controls, and the protection and restoration of riparian zones. These projects result in more citizen involvement, wider dispersal of information, and more rational analysis of environmental decisions in the community and the nation.
The following projects are those in which involve the NPM Region.

Public Values and Attitudes Toward Agricultural Water Use in the West
The western United States is experiencing rapid urbanization, and consequently, water conflicts are occurring where critical water resources are limited. To better shape water resource management and policy, it is necessary to develop tools and knowledge for informing public policy on issues related to water security. This project gauges public knowledge, values, attitudes, perceptions, and preferences related to water security issues such as water reallocation and reuse strategies, food security, and sustaining rural communities in seventeen western states.

Tribal Colleges and Universities National Facilitation Project for Increasing Tribal Involvement in the Water Quality Network
Water is a central and essential part of tribal community culture, history, and economic future. Tribal College and University (TCUs or 1994 Land Grant Institutions) participation in the UDSA-NIFA National Integrated Water Quality Program has been limited, though many institutions, Tribes, and reservations they serve are very affected and active in water issues. The purpose of this project will initiate inclusion of the TCUs and tribal communities with the USDA-NIFA National Integrated Water Quality Program to address serious water resources issues existing in Indian Country.

United States Department of Agriculture Colorado State University Montana State University North Dakota State University South Dakota State University Utah State University University of Wyoming National Water Program